
Breaking the pattern of conventional MFA
How to deploy multi-factor authentication without losing customers

Friday 10 March 2023 | 9.30am - 10.30am (AEDT)


About the Webinar

Despite its effectiveness, only 56% of organisations have implemented MFA, with the majority keeping it optional to minimise the impact on customer satisfaction.

At Haventec, we believe convenience and security go hand in hand. Both are important for exceptional customer experience and retention.

In this webinar, we introduce Haventec Silent MFA - designed to provide high assurance authentication without the cost, pain and usability issues of conventional MFA.

The webinar will cover:

  • How to achieve complete MFA coverage without losing customers;

  • The shortcomings of conventional MFA and how to avoid them;

  • How Silent MFA mitigates cyber threats without negatively impacting revenue. 
Even if you have an existing MFA solution, you should attend and compare your current solution with a user-friendly and more secure alternative.

Don't miss this opportunity to learn about the latest in authentication technology. Join us for our upcoming webinar and discover how you can provide your customers with a better, more secure authentication experience, and provide your business with benefits ranging from cost savings to meeting regulatory and cyber insurance requirements.



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Learn from industry experts

Join our panelists for a hands-on webinar and Q&A 

Simon Carlson

Simon Carlson

Director, Pre-sales and Customer Advocacy


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Dave Maunsell

Chief Executive Officer
