
We all love to hate multi-factor authentication.
It’s time we did something about it.
Discover an alternative to conventional MFA


About the Webinar

Despite the effectiveness of multi-factor authentication, only 56% of organisations have implemented MFA controls, with the majority of these organisations keeping it optional to minimise the impact on customer satisfaction. 

In this webinar, we discuss ways you can ensure MFA protection for every customer without disruption.

You will learn about:

  • The MFA imperative and why keeping MFA optional leaves your organisation exposed.

  • Alternatives to conventional MFA.
  • A new type of MFA that helps mitigate fraud and cyber threats without negatively impacting user experience. 

Don't miss this opportunity to get in-depth insights!


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Learn from industry experts

Join our panelists for a hands-on webinar and Q&A 

Simon Carlson

Simon Carlson

Director, Pre-sales and Customer Advocacy


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Dave Maunsell

Chief Executive Officer
